Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Appt Recap, etc

My first appointment was March 16th. Ultrasound showed the baby measuring at 5w4d which is right on track. Initial guess for a due date is November 12th, but we'll get a better confirmation at the next appointment.
Ever since the rodeo on March 9th I've been dealing with morning sickness off and on. Pizza is out, that's for sure! Had to change to kids bubblegum toothpaste - finally no more gagging while I brush my teeth - yay! I've battled a cold for over a week and it's finally on its way out of my system. That hasn't made my morning sickness any better. Nothing sounded good to eat, or even tasted good when I got around to it. So much for not letting my stomach get empty! But, I keep telling myself morning sickness is a good sign this time around...didn't have any last time. Since it's become so unpredictable, I've pretty much 'banned' myself from eating out anywhere until it subsides. Just never know for sure whether my food will stay down or not. Bummer!

No real cravings right now - except for salty stuff. Which is odd because I normally avoid salt. And, I've been incredibly tired. Trumped by my cold, perhaps, but still annoying. No energy, whatsoever.

That's all for now -- probably another update after my next appointment.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Take 2:

Well - here we go again! We found out yesterday that I'm pregnant, yay! Two different emotions are flooding over us -- 1) excitement and 2) anxiety -- and I'm not sure which is overpowering us more. The miscarriage from our last pregnancy is still haunting. If I can just get past that 10wk appointment...which is when we found out last'll probably be a lot easier. But that's still 6 weeks off. Ugh! For now - we're trying to focus on the excitement part of it. Luckily there's a lot keeping us busy. We're going to Houston next week for a mini-Anniversary-vacation. 5 years, wow! And, then there's also the plan to get our floors finished -- goodbye carpet and stained concrete...hello wood floors!

So - everyone knows we've never been very religious people - but if you are, keep us in your prayers for a healthy pregnancy. If you're like us -- cross your fingers, toes, and your pup's paws and hope for the best!!